Reunion Blues


A few months ago, I went to a gathering of former co-workers. It was a fun evening that has produced some bizarre results. One: I met up again with a former co-worker who I didn’t know well previously which I have come to refer to as the maybe-date. I’m not really sure what I was doing there but the interrogation that ensured made me think that I had been applying for a job that I was clearly not qualified for and definitely did not want. This guy not very nice to me. He gave me lost of advice on how to be a successful concert photographer since he did not know any of the bands I shoot (so clearly, I was not very good at what I do) and he was disturbed by the fact that I had never lived in Manhattan (not even for a few months). He also made me pay for my own drink, jokingly saying he thought it cost more than his but he was willing to split the check – such a gentleman. Two: Another former co-worker that was present that evening who I’ve known since my late twenties called me to profess his love for me. This man (who is probably 70 years old) told me that he was crazy about me but there was a problem because he’s happily married and would not want to jeopardize that but had to let me know how he felt and has been calling ever since. I have no romantic interest in him and never thought of him in those terms while I was “holding him at arms distance”. He actually told me that if he had another lifetime he would spend it courting me. Have I mentioned that my mother used to be his assistant? CREEPY… No wonder I have always avoided reunions – revisiting the past is dangerous.

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